Sunday, June 5, 2011

Abandoning the Fountain of Youth

I came to the sudden realization that I am a grown up now.  Legally you are an adult when you turn 18: you can drive, you can smoke, you can be charged as an adult.  That being said, I never felt like an adult.  Not until recently.  I would sit and wonder, when am I going to realize that I am an adult.  Some of my friends must feel like adults.  They have kids, they are married, they live on their own (with family).  If I had those things would I feel like an adult?  I still act like a young person: I collect super hero statues, I play video games, I still watch some cartoons, I still think about sex every minute...oh I'm sorry just had a nice thought.  Then I did something, something that made me realize, "yeah I'm grown up now."  What'd I do?  I bought some McDonald's: 2 McChickens and a large order of fries.  I did this, and not once did I reach in the bag and grab a delicious, hot, salty goodness known as a McDonald's fry during my drive.  Then it hit me, I'm grown up now.  Then I started thinking about other reasons that I know I am an adult.  I share them with you now.  How do you know when you're a grown up:
  • I have (had) a mortgage instead of rent or paying my parents.  Owning something is huge, and paying a mortgage is such a load to bare.  Especially if you're doing it alone.
  • I hate a lot of stuff these days.
    • I don't listen to the radio.  I can't stand most new music.  That's why I discover good music so late.  I just found out about Adele.  I'm usually at least 2 months behind on hit songs.
    • I can't stand anything on MTV.  Hey kids, did you know that the M in MTV stands for music?  I bet you didn't.  I remember the good ol' days of TRL, Yo! MTV Raps, and you know, actual music videos.  Now that channel is a series of reality shows that piss me off to no end.
  • I use the phrase "I remember the good ol' says."  As seen above.  Whenever adults use to say that me as a kid I'd always think to myself, "shut up grandpa, this ain't the good ol' days."  It sure ain't.
  • Movies I loved as a kid are being re-made or are in the process of being re-made.  Did you know they are thinking of re-making Back to the Future with Justin Beiber as the star?  Groan x2.  Now I'm not one to shit on re-makes, I think usually they do a good job.  It brings in a younger audience to, usually, a classic flick and it extends or breathes new life into a dead franchise.  But for pete's sake don't let that lesbian play Marty McFly.
  • Cartoons I loved as a kid are getting a facelift.  Transformers has already gone through a few iterations.  He-Man had a remake.  GI Joe came back for awhile.  And now Voltron and Transformers are on their way back.  I'm looking forward to checking these out.
  • I don't buy BluRays every week anymore.  There was a time in my life where every Tuesday meant new DVD day at Best Buy.  You see, Tuesday is the release date of most new DVDs and Best Buy will usually have them about $5 cheaper as long as you get them the week of release.  This resulted in a huge collection of DVDs in my house.  Also a huge selection of useless purchases.  Did I really need to own Big Momma's House 2?  Or Return to Me starring David Duchovny? Or the many unopened DVDs I have in my collection, now in a box waiting for our next garage sale?  No.  I have since adopted the mindset that I will only buy a BluRay if either a) I will view it multiple times or b) it is one of my very favorite movies.  That's grown up thinking right there.
  • When I listen to my younger cousins or nieces and nephews "huge" problems I laugh and think to myself "remember when that was my biggest concern?"  Not that their problems aren't real, to them they are the world.  But from my perspective, the perspective of an adult who's been through it, it's hilarious.  I don't tell them the truth of the matter, "that their problems are ultimately insignificant and they won't be worried about them in a few weeks."  No you can't tell them that, they wouldn't listen. I just give them the advice I wish someone would have given me during my trying times, and assure them everything will be okay.
  • I am dieting/exercising.  Long gone are the days where I could be careless with what I eat.  No more Ultimate Cheeseburgers from Jack in the Box, no more eating 2 dozen Krispy Kreme donuts by myself over a week's time, no more ice cream by the bowlful.  Damn I just made myself hungry.  Nope, none of that.  Now I'm on somewhat of a diet, a lot less carb consumption, and I am exercising weekly.  I feel better about myself, but sometimes I miss the good ol' days (there it is again) of pigging out and staying up playing Counter-Strike until my eyes start to bleed.
  • I want more out of my life than just...this, and I'm doing something about it.  I love my parents to death, and I think they are happy with their lives.  But I don't want the life they have.  They don't have careers.  They came to America to make sure me and my brothers had a better life than they did.  So far I haven't made their sacrifice worth it.  But I'm going to try my hardest to make it happen.
This was supposed to be a fun post.  It turned into something more than that apparently.  May you all realize you are grown up as late as possible.  The Adventure Continues...
    - Joel Samson

    1 comment:

    1. So true. Oh, and I had McDonald's yesterday, too! I'm digging the new chicken nugget sauces. :)
